Race at the Raffle is a fundraiser to support the mission of the CANAPI organization, which is to serve and promote the well being of the LGBTQ community. This is an outside volunteer event. Volunteers will receive one service point per hour volunteering. Dress: Business casual. Please contact Amber Slaughter at info@canapi.org if you plan […]
This will be a remote meeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/792632341 You can also dial in using your phone: +1 (786) 535-3211 - One-touch: tel:+17865353211,,792632341# Access Code: 792-632-341 Contact: Bryan Oden, bryanoden@gmail.com and Michael Wheeler, mpwheeler9@gmail.com
This will be a remote meeting. Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/3309930543 Meeting ID: 330 993 0543 Dial In: 1-646-558-8656 Contact: Andrew Antonucci, andrewgantonucci@gmail.com and Kirsten Delpinal, kirsten.delpinal@gmail.com
This meeting will be held remotely. Call in: 330-436-2800 access code 8252593# A Teams meeting link will be sent out; contact Tom Dolezal or Sonja Pagniano for an invite. Contact: Tom Dolezal, tdolezal@firstenergycorp.com and Sonja Pagniano, sonjapagniano@gmail.com
Volunteers needed to help with cleaning up and assisting with small landscape projects around Summit Lake, formally Park East. Be prepared to sign volunteer waivers. Before the event you will get coffee and donuts. Dress warm but comfortable in clothes you are fine with getting dirty. The event will generally be cleaning up with small […]
This is a remote meeting. Contact Dustin Miller or Heather Flohr for a meeting invite link. Contact: Heather Flohr, heather.e.flohr@gmail.com and Dustin Miller, stinmiller@gmail.com
Join fellow Torchbearers for an up close look at three unique facilities and learn how they use environmentally friendly resources and services to make Akron a great place to live! 5:30 p.m. – Start at METRO RTA, RTA 416 Kenmore Blvd, Akron, OH 44301 The Akron Regional Transit Authority (METRO) provides line-service to fixed routes […]