Leadership & Development Committee
Leadership & Development Committee
Co-Chairs: Ken Evans, ken.evansii@gmail.com and Dhara Patel, dkpatel@firstenergycorp.com
Co-Chairs: Ken Evans, ken.evansii@gmail.com and Dhara Patel, dkpatel@firstenergycorp.com
Co-Chairs: Aditya Amar Ghatpande, aditya.a.ghatpande@gmail.com and Lauren Mathis, laurenmathis66@gmail.com
Co-Chairs: Thomas Hite, thite@seibertkeck.com and Katherine White, kabercik@gmail.com
Co-Chairs: Geoff Auerbach, geoff@case.edu and Kate DeAngelis k8deangel@gmail.com
Contact: Matt Doney, medoney@bmdllc.com | Krystal Levstek, krystal14p@gmail.com
Co-Chairs: Ken Evans, ken.evansii@gmail.com and Dhara Patel, dkpatel@firstenergycorp.com
Join us at the Torchbearers' office for this month's in-person MarComm committee meeting! Please wear a 😷 and come ready to discuss some merch ideas. Contacts: Lauren Mathis, laurenmathis66@gmail.com Jessica Robb, jrobb1031@gmail.com