East CLC Ohio Means Jobs Presenter

Virtual Meeting

Volunteers are needed to help with East CLC Sophomores and Juniors. You will be presenting content developed by a coalition of Torchbearers and East CLC staff. These virtual seminars will […]


East CLC Ohio Means Jobs Presenter

Virtual Meeting

Volunteers are needed to help with East CLC Sophomores and Juniors. You will be presenting content developed by a coalition of Torchbearers and East CLC staff. These virtual seminars will […]


East CLC Ohio Means Jobs Presenter

Virtual Meeting

Volunteers are needed to help with East CLC Sophomores and Juniors. You will be presenting content developed by a coalition of Torchbearers and East CLC staff. These virtual seminars will […]


L&D Committee

Virtual Meeting

Contact: Spencer Baker, sbaker1414@gmail.com and Tom Dolezal, tdolezal@firstenergycorp.com Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89737056503?pwd=enV2ZytFRGxLOVlON291RTdIYkx1Zz09 Meeting ID: 897 3705 6503 Passcode: L&D One tap mobile +13126266799,,89737056503#,,,,*490163# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,89737056503#,,,,*490163# US (New York)  
